
The word ‘Holocaust’ is often used to refer to the destruction of six million Jews by the Nazi regime during WWII. The word originally appeared in the English language in the 1300s. It comes from the Greek word ‘holokauston’ which means ‘burnt sacrifice’ and is itself a translation of the Hebrew for ‘burnt sacrifice’ made to God. For that reason, the word ‘holocaust’ is not acceptable to many Jews who prefer to use the words ‘Shoah’ or ‘Churban’ (meaning ‘destruction’) to refer to the Nazi genocide. The word ‘holocaust’ is also often used to refer to the consequences of a nuclear attack and is generally reserved for these two things.





The following video gives an overview with a quiz at the end.

A survivor tells his story of transport to Auschwitz:

Holocaust survivor, Susan Pollack talking about Josef Mengele

Ellen Brandt Testimony – childhood experience 49:00


Jewish survivor Paula Lebovics, Jewish survivor Howard Chandler, Jewish survivor Philip Helbling, Political prisoner Kaz Wolff-Zdzienicki, and Sinti and Roma survivor Julia Lentini recall their experiences of the evacuation and liberation of the Auschwitz camp complex in January 1945. Otari Amaglobeli of the Soviet Armed forces describes his involvement in the liberation of the camp complex on Jan. 27, 1945.

On Holocaust Memorial Day (27th January)
Survivors tell their stories

Hugo Rifkind



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